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Archived since: Jun, 2023
The project intends to archive the main web pages that talk and have talked about biodiversity in Italy from the 1990s to the present, giving future historians the opportunity to reconstruct, also using quantitative methods, the themes, actors, possible silences and evolution that have characterised the Italian debate on the subject. Two collections in particular will be created: - Institutions (sites created by political, museum, scientific, journalistic institutions...) - Activism and associations (sites created or frequented by associations relevant to the issue of biodiversity and its conservation. A third collection could cover all the web material created by the project, to ensure its longevity through the use of authoritative and widely used online archives
Subject: Science & Health, Arts & Humanities, Politics & Elections, Italy, Biodiversity
Creator: Università di Padova, National Biodiversity Future Center
Contributor: Francesca Gabbriellini, Federico Mazzini
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