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Archived since: Jun, 2023
Official EAC websites and social media platforms. Includes the Anniversary project website.
Archived since: May, 2023
The Expatriate Archive Centre started the @WeAreXpats RoCur Twitter account in 2016 as a project to experiment with archiving 21st-century media. The project ended in 2021. Instead of focusing on any specific geography, @WeAreXpats curated the myriad life situations and mindsets of being an expat: a temporary resident in a country different from one’s origins. The content also covered expatriate-adjacent topics and roles, such as repatriation, Third Culture Kids, etc. Each week, a new expat curator tweeted and they represented a range of locations and nationalities from around the world. The collection contains the Twitter timeline and the accompanying website.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, Expatriate life worldwide
Creator: Expatriate Archive Centre
Publisher: Expatriate Archive Centre
Coverage: 2016-2021, Worldwide
Type: website
Date: 2016-2021
Language: English
Identifier: WRX
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